For Mama
NOTE: We only recommend products we would use ourselves. All opinions expressed are our own. Page may contain affiliate links that, at no additional cost to you, we may earn a small commission from.
Perineum Care / Constipation
Peri Bottle by frida mom
One quick and easy way to prepare for your postpartum recovery is to ask whether you will be given a peri bottle to take home (from your hospital, birth center, etc.). It’s often used for a week or more after a vaginal birth as a gentle way to cleanse right after you pee to help reduce vaginal irritation. This version allows for easy use as it’s made to be squeezed upside down.
Sitz Bath Tub Seat
We recommend a sitz bath to increase blood flow to the perineal area, which reduces swelling and inflammation and promotes healing. A stiz bath can help relax the muscles in the perineum, which can relieve the pain of a postpartum tear. This seat fits on your toilet seat and is collapsible!
Herbal Sitz Bath
Advertised as a “soothing perineal soak for pregnancy and postpartum” and that’s exactly what it is!
Sexual Support
Water-based Lubricant
“Slippery Stuff“ is a water-based and paraben free lubricant recommended by our Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist - we like it becasue it tends to last longer than other brands and it is SAFE for your vagina. Vaginal dryness is common postpartum, especially when breastfeeding. Using lubricant regularly can decrease pain associated with vaginal dryness and preserve the health of your vaginal tissue.
Pelvic Wand by Intimate Rose
The pelvic wand can be used as a self-massage tool to release tight pelvic floor muscles that contribute to pain or other pelvic floor dysfunctions.
Baby Carriers & Additional Products
Ergonomic Bath Set
This elbow and knee set helps relieve pains associated with bath time and promotes better ergonomics for mama.
Ergobaby Omni 360
A baby carrier that grows with your little from 7 to 45 lbs!
Hip Seat Baby Carrier
Once your baby can hold their head up, the “Tushbaby” becomes a great tool! It is designed to let your baby prop on your hip without putting your back and hips in an unfavorable position.